I bet if every man would be required to experience the LABOR of child birth (from conception), just ONCE, then we would rethink how we would make decisions on something we clearly know nothing about. I had a kidney stone in January that bout took me out so I can’t even IMAGINE….YALL DONT KNOW NOTHING ABOUT BIRTHING NO BABIES! #

23 JUN 22

 False flags are more than just an event, a series of events, or conspiracies. The farce is in the concept itself. In a country-and a world full of symbols-the representations of the flag and the definitions to which they are attributed serve a masquerade and a facade to the illusion of choice, the illusion of parity and equality, and the illusion of the pursuit of liberty. The truths once held evident are now solely are the truths of a utopian environment in the hereafter. They are a visualization of what is when we transition to the realm where liberty truly resides. The devil is in the details, but the deception is in the depictions. Paul said that we should not be distracted by meaningless quarrels and debates, for now we know the public debates from the bean-pie wielding Muslim on the street corner to the rulers in the United Nations are all meaningless and chasing after the wind. How can we create a more perfect union in a culture of divisive dogma?

24 JUN 22

Welcome to the Rat Race….

It is possible to get out of the rat race. But He (God) needs you. We are taught to wait on God, but he is actually waiting on us. You have to walk in faith into the promises. The challenges, risks, mistakes and negative possibilities are designed on purpose to force you to rely on faith. It is supposed to be scary and uncertain. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be faith.

There a many types of races. And you would know since you used to run track.

Some are fast and some are slow. But in all races, we have to run laps. And in order to win, we have to practice running laps. Over and over and over until we push ourselves to finish the big race. The big race is making it to the next life. This is the continuous loop. You can stop running and we all don't run in the same race although we are going in the same direction. The goal isn't to finish first or fast, the goal is to finish. And continue on to the next race.

Circa Jan 2023

Bathe With [Me]

Bask=bathe…anesthesia: a medicine using for numbing pain…come to me, talk to me, ravish me, liberate my mind….The years in between were dark on purpose. ‘88-’95…7 years of work to buy freedom. To buy one’s self out of bondage to truly BATHE (and bask) in one’s true self. That’s why you got Emancipation in ‘96, even though the contract wasn’t ended until 99. 3 more years…another significant number…to reach 10 in total… 7 means completion of work…that’s why God created the heavens and the earth in 7 days. 3 is the number of perfection and permanece. That’s why you have the father, the son and the Holy Ghost in the perfect holy trinity…when you join them, you have reached spiritual completion and perfection…and therefore Holiness…it’s why Jesus died for 3 days and rose again. The work was complete, but it was perfected and made permanent through Him. Whether by flesh, symbolism or divine representations or caricatures. More in this later…let this be lathered in before the urn spills more oil…Peace.

17 FEB 23

In keeping with the deal or no deal theme from this month’s episode, let me tell you about a deal God made with me. My entire life I had been seeking acceptance. Paying for it, pleading for it, changing for it, bending and breaking for it. For someone to see me without attacking me. It’s like beauty and the beast. There’s a precious rose here…I guess every rose does have its thorn. That same thorn in our flesh that Paul Talks about. The one we begged God to get rid of and he outright refused. The very thing that WE think is beyond forgivable about ourselves. beyond compassion, beyond redemption……irreparable and irreconcilable. Shall Christ be put on the cross again? He already bore it all. Because he loves you, and now, because he was tempted the way we were tempted, he knows you. He GETS you. He adores you. Fearfully, and wonderfully made. He’s enamored by YOUR glory. The glory that shall be revealed in you. But I digress, he made me a deal. He saw the desire of my heart was to feel welcome. I’ve never had a place to call home, never felt like I fit in. So I dared to be different so that the isolation and abandonment made sense. I intentionally became a mystical creature right before their eyes, then POOF….I’m out the door and on the road again. But I don’t stay, because I never felt welcomed. Who would care if I was dead? Who would care if I was locked up, would they even ask about me? Let alone come see about me. And God said, if you find one who will listen to you, I’ll let you go. That was a trap. I, instinctively know that God is too jealous to just “let me go.” Touché, Righteous Creator. And so I have sojourned. Looking high and low, country to country. Just to find one. And the closest one to it was right next to me the whole time in Miami. And he couldn’t figure out why I had to be everywhere all the time because he was right there, trying. Why see the world, when you got the beach? Because it felt like I was gonna miss my debut if I wasn’t present for the show. And my mic would be on and I’d tell em, “turn it up, loud Johnny.” And no…. one…… listened. And then he says tonight, “Talk to me, for I will listen. I care. Now , after you have calmed down, will you go out and speak for me, even if they don’t listen? Now that you have experienced the rejection of christ, will you still preach the good news? I prepared you for this when I told you to deny yourself and follow me. Take up your cross. You’ve already put on my yoke, because you realize being who you thought they wanted you to be, made you forget that you were speaking for me, not yourself. And when you spoke as yourself, no one listened. Now that you have been muzzled for having a sharp tongue, you bark and your bite is muted. Seek me while I may be found. I will listen to you just as I have commanded that you listen to me. Now Go.” God’s humor never fails to baffle me. He did what is completely antithetical of a God to do, be sinless and take on sin. That’s heavy. That’s how much he cares. He became the guilty, the judge and the executor to his own being, just to demonstrate his character. He forsook his reputation, to show you his Nature.


Concerning the weight of sin…[H]e bore it all. A weight so heavy, that even [H]e, divine in all form, reconsidered enduring the wrath of [H]is hands.

So The Spirit says to the servant(s), offer yourself, and my burden shall be light. You have bore few things, as I, have beared it all. Therefore, take up your cross, for it is relatively light. And simply “offer” yourself, and I will call you my son. The Son, has been the firstborn of many brethren.

The offering is sufficient, willing in spirit, and possessing vessel that is clean. He will not charge against you his wrath because [H]is offering, himself, doth suffice. Given in the form and likeness of God and Man, the Son of Man shall be called the Son of God, because even the divine knows that when you want something done right, you do it yourself. So [H]e offered himself for all, for you. In return, he asks for reciprocity in willingness.

God called Jesus his son prior to the work, where in previous accounts, the work was collateralized in order to be called a son. Where we were once in servitude, endlessly and mindlessly working to earn our own salvation, the unrest and the interest of sin indebted us in perpetuity. But this offering, fully alive, and willingly, bore it all.

Therefore brethren, Do not worry if you are going to mess up in completing the work after being called a son, because you most certainly will. Paul, [H]is servant, was chief of those relegated to sin, and even after he was called and chosen, he constantly found himself doing what he said he did not want to do anymore, by his own account.

Again, I say, offer yourself, and I will work through you! Consider Moses in this. Consider Jonah and Joseph with whom you often relate. YOU, who doth not desire to do the work because of scornfulness. I, the LORD, am not asking you do THAT work. The work I ask is minimal in nature and it’s suffering is light…now then, go to the place I will show you and build my altar…build the altar in “YOU” and I will provide the sacrifice for you [as Jehovah Jireh]. If ye be therefore willing, my son, then I, the Lord, YOUR God, shall make you able.



What do we do, when we are told that we should fight for our country, otherwise we won't have a country, but fighting leads to the division and destruction of our country? Many will carry on, going to and fro, quarreling and reveling in things that matter only to themselves, while wars and rumors of wars rage abroad and in our front yard...

Dismantling an oppressive establishment when we are at the brink of war? A house divided shall fall, and fall at the hands that lie in wait for its implosion...

God's methodology is tragicomical....#thywillbedone

-The Weeping, and mildly Bitter, Prophet

April 6, 2023